Bauerfeind GenuTrain NBA Knee Brace

Superior Technology

Knit Fabric: Unlike most knee braces or sleeves on the market, the Bauerfeind GenuTrain NBA Knee Brace is made of a specially knit fabric instead of neoprene. Where neoprene can only be made in a cylindrical form and requires straps to hold it in place & loses shape over time, the knit fabric solves all these issues. The knit material is created in the looms within our production facilities in Germany, features medical grade compression that improves the blood flow in the leg for endurance and recovery, retains it's shape for a longer period of time, is washable and above all - it doesn't require straps to fit securely on your knee. The fabric contours to the shape of your thigh, knee and calves when sized correctly for a tight, supportive, fit.

Patella Pad: The Omega Patella Gel Pad is patented by Bauerfeind to provide superior knee pain relief from pains such as jumpers knee, arthritis knee pain, post surgery recovery support and other knee issues. The patella pad keeps the knee cap in place while playing basketball and allows you to feel comfortable on the court with a stabilized knee.